Common Questions
Ask us a question?
How do you recruit our staff?
We do not use agencies and all our members of staff are selected and directly recruited by the owners in collaboration with Nursery Managers. To cover holidays and/or sick days we rely on our existing staff team as it allows our staff to become familiar with parents, children and other members of staff.
How often do we take children outdoors?
We do not consider our outside area as part of the Outdoor Environment for the purposes of our planning and we expect that our staff create opportunities every day or every other day for our little ones to access the natural environment as much as possible.
Do we provide any extra curricular activities?
Yes, however the lessons are facilitated by our internal team of staff. We encourage our staff to share their personal talents with our children by delivering a variety of lessons as part of our weekly curriculum such as sports, yoga, meditation (reflective/relaxation time), dance, singing, drama, cooking lessons and Spanish.
Do we offer rooms according to the children's ages?
Yes children do have their own learning room, however our staff are encouraged to allow opportunities throughout the day for children from different rooms and age groups to interact with each other. We believe that offering such opportunities for children from different groups and ages to mix during certain activities allows them to develop fundamental life skills such as young ones being able to role model language and physical development and older children can understand about being kind and patient with little ones.
How long is the settling in process?
We suggest three short sessions preferably as close as possible to your child's start date.
Have you been inspected by Ofsted?
Both of our Kingston nurseries have been inspected in 2019 and both received 'good' ratings from Ofsted. You can read the reports on our Methodology page.